About Us
The Cause

GardenGnomeWorld has a simple mission: Free gnomes from their oppressive reigns of servitude, and help jump start their fight for an independent gnomeland. By placing them on your lawns, desks, coffee tables, and of course, your store shelves, we can bring the gnomes that much closer to realizing their goal.
The Troops
Gnomes from all over the world have answered the call; they are willing and ready to unite to free their subjugated and often-forgotten brethren. They fear no opponent, no matter how small they stand. These short, pointy-hat wearing warriors will not stop in the face of adversity. They will continue to fight the good fight until their dreams are realized.

Who We Are

Being purveyors of all things gnome may seem like a daunting task. We have found that maintaining a tiny yet dedicated team of little ones on the payroll has many benefits including smaller office space requirements and minimal energy use. These cost saving advantages give us the ability to work night and day, fighting for the future of gnomes everywhere. Visit our corporate page here: http://onetwoten.net
Our Location
Should you need to drop us a line
use our contact form or send us a letter